Saturday 7 July 2012


I have so many family relatives here. 
So today, we're gonna visit my mom's cousin at his house in a place called Oakville.
It was pretty awesome.
They have a hammock on their backyard!
Now I want one!!

This is the view I got from relaxing in the hammock

Food :) Yum!

We fooled around with the camera a I mean a lot...
Never get tired of fish eyes (o_O)

My mom's cousin's youngest son happens to love starwars.
Hence, this darth fader mask that he showed off. Plus they have LIGHT SABERSS!!
Darth Fader mask worn by a 5 years old is totaly adorable.
Now I can't take Darth Fader seriously anymore.

We stayed there until its night and pretty late and dark.

Perfect time to light up the light sabers. :)

:) Have a good night everyone.

Friday 6 July 2012

Get Down in Downtown again :)

So today my camera died, I forgot to charge it yesterday because I was so tired.
So I'm borrowing my dad's camera to take pictures of downtown today :)

Today will be spent with my dad's aunt's family. And my dad's cousin will also join us today for a tour downtown, where she lives.

Before downtown, we visited my dad's uncle's sugar flowers factory.
Whats sugar flower? Its flowers made from sugar for cake decorations. Its so pretty AND edible too :D
Here's a sneak peak.

Anyone interested in ordering them? Contact me okay :) * advertisement*

Then onto downtown again :)

The picture below is the lobby of my dad's cousin's apartment in downtown. So cool, very modern.

Then, onto lunch :D

We went to an Italian Pizza Restaurant called Buca.
"Buca" means basement in italian, hence the setting of the restaurant is designed like a basement.
Voila! FOOD!
 These are prolly the best pizza I have ever tasted. The menu is all in Italian, I can't remember what its called.
AND the pizza cutter is a big scissors. 
Cutting pizza like a bosss.
Ended up ordering 5 pizza for the 7 of us.
I also ordered Gnoochi carbonara. It was amazin.

 Dessert #1

Dessert #2
Big huge ais cream! Its so big I can hit someone with that cone full of ice cream.
I ordered one scoop and they said THATS one scoop.
Jeez, the ice creams looks like its on steroids.
But still taste delicious. yes, I finished it anyways. coz its ice cream.
who would say no to ice cream.

Then we saw this...
and thought, "Hey, we're from Indonesia, let's go check out the expensive chocolate store"
and then we saw this..
Okaay.. So there's a chocolate called Bones of the Dead.

Then went to see my dad's other cousin and his new baby :D

Everyone, meet Aliya.
She's almost 9 months old and full of cuteness.
I feel like I want to squeezee her cute fat bellyy. graaahh soo cuteeeee!!!

She's a curious little baby, and she loves to play with the ipad. hahaha babies these days.

Then we had dinner in a Malaysian Restaurant

Good asian food, reminds me of food back home :')
It's different but similar.
Haha, I found the menu hilarious.
(This is an Indonesian inside joke only, so sorry those of you who don't understand)

Still no blackberry D: I can't imagine I survived living for almost 2 weeks without portable social-life enhancer device.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Waterloo and Kitchener

Wew, do you think after all the roadtrips and month of full activities everyday, I can finally have a day off to myself to rest and do nothing for a day? NO.
The schedule still goes on for another few weeks. I'm happy but I'm a human not a robot. I need rest.
Still, I had fun. So we just got back from USA and Niagara yesterday, then woke up this morning to visit my future university to take care some stuff.

Beautiful and peaceful little town called Waterloo. Away from the busy life of downtown and crowded streets.

According to wikipedia (yes, I researched this. LOL only in wikipedia), Waterloo and Kitchener are twin city in Ontario.,Kitchener,+ON,+Canada&ei=zU0yUOCgCMLb0QHU54Eo&ved=0CAYQ8gEwAA

So I found out that 2 of my dad's cousins graduated from the same university I'm going to. And so they decided to take me around the town to get familiar with. Also to show me stuff I can do there.

Then we went around the city/town.
They've got everything here in such a simple town. 
They're malls, town stores and also farms and barns.

We went to a market after that. This market is known for its farm products (fruits, milk, meat, bread, wheat blablabla). This market is run by amish people, so there were alot of women who dressed in amish traditional costumes. Interesting-ly, they're all wearing black nike sport shoes.
Maybe its easier for their chores in the market.
But we didn't get to see whats in the market because its already closed at 5 pm :s. So by the time we got there, the amish women were already cleaning up the stands.

And then we met this middle-aged Portugese man.
Who happens to own a burger truck full of fine delicious meat and hamburger and hotdogs and etc.
Who also happens to give us this much bread.

.....all for only 10 dollars. (100.000 rupiah)
(one plastic bag of bread usually cost about 5 dollars)

Because its the end of day, and the seller wants to get rid of it. As soon as he saw us coming towards the closed market, he asked whether you want to try his bread that are scattered on this long table. 
Then he eventually said "Take it ALL, all of it for 10 dollars." with his portugese accent.

SO in the end, we took them all home and share it with everyone we know.

Not only that! He still have leftover burgers and/or hotdogs in his truck. And decided to get rid of it by giving it all to us (10 people-ish), for only 5 dollars in all.

And then asian-me eagerly took advantage of free food.

His truck was interesting too. It was eye-catching neon green and it had these posters on.

Found so much cute store stuff, that I (again) silently took pictures of.

And the sweetest store out of all. The Angels Store. That sell all Angels related merchandise, figurines, statues, paintings and etc.
What is unique about this store is these Angels shaped cut-outs, that they put beside the entrance door.
 Which are taken by customers and scattered around the pavements.

These things are still on the pavements after 10 stores away.

Flowaaahssss! :D

Oh we passed by this church.
Do you see anything out-of-the-ordinary in this picture?

 There's a statue of someone or something covered in a dementor-like robe. 
Just sitting there, all black and stiff and not moving.
I swear my pulse just stopped when I saw this right next to me when I was passing by.
Its by far the creepiest statue ever.
AND its in front of the church! WHY HUMANS? WHYY?

Anyways, then we went back home, and saw these :)
a barn or stable! (This is a pretty pointless picture I must say, badly captured as well)

Horse carriage :D

Went to the mall nearby and guess what?
I met a canadian comedian youtube star,

Apparently, he also goes to the same university.
Be mature towards his jokes guys, its only for comedy. No harm done.
And, if you're not 18+, don't open

Check him and his humour out at:

Ended the day with watching a movie in the cinema.
My first cinema in Canada :D
I love this theater because we get to have an extreme size of beverage and popcorn. 
AND its unlimited refill. So popcorn is basically our dinner.

Interesting and tiring day :)