Saturday 7 July 2012


I have so many family relatives here. 
So today, we're gonna visit my mom's cousin at his house in a place called Oakville.
It was pretty awesome.
They have a hammock on their backyard!
Now I want one!!

This is the view I got from relaxing in the hammock

Food :) Yum!

We fooled around with the camera a I mean a lot...
Never get tired of fish eyes (o_O)

My mom's cousin's youngest son happens to love starwars.
Hence, this darth fader mask that he showed off. Plus they have LIGHT SABERSS!!
Darth Fader mask worn by a 5 years old is totaly adorable.
Now I can't take Darth Fader seriously anymore.

We stayed there until its night and pretty late and dark.

Perfect time to light up the light sabers. :)

:) Have a good night everyone.

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