Sunday 1 July 2012

Ottawa Part 2

HAPPY CANADA DAAYY!!! 1st July 2012 :D

We're meeting another family and relatives in Ottawa. I havent seen them since I was a kid also. So it was great to catch up and getting to know them again. :)

Then we had lunch in a chinese buffet restaurant. AND IT WAS HEAVEN! All you can eat food goodness. There were so many various kinds of chinese food AND non-chinese food, which I love so very much. 
Ah food buffets are food-lover sanctuary :D
Wow I love to eat.

There was so many to choose from and I decided to try EVERYTHING :D
Then get more of the ones I liked

Plate #1 yay sushi! yay bacon! Give your self a pat on the back if you spot them.

Plate #2 yay onion ringss! Oh the black thing above is come kind of clam, its really good.

Then plate #3 soup

Then plate #4 desserts

No more pictures because I just wanna eat it :P

YESS!! FOOD!!! *fist bump air*

Oh! I found a selfish chipmunk.

Today we're going back to Toronto, so we'll mostly spend the rest of the night on the road. We saw fireworks on the way tho :D and the horizon is just amazing! Enjoy!


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