Monday 2 July 2012

Picnic at Niagara on The Lake

A must-go tourist attraction in Toronto is of course Niagara Falls. And since I am currently a tourist this month, we will be staying at Niagara falls area for a few days.
Advanced warning as usual: SO MUCH PICTURES OF THE NIAGARA FALLS
Hey dont blame me for taking so much pictures, its too amazing, you just have to capture it AND share it. (yes, your welcome)

This is Niagara On The Lake
Its an area near Niagara falls but more like parks and shopping area.
We had a great picnic there and went shopping on cute stores. Yes I found interesting stuff as usual that I will show you guys.

So.. it takes about 2 hours to get there and we stopped by the vineyard along the long highway.

Then off to a park to set our picnic :)

Eating picnic lunch with a mouthful of swag!

My new favorite snack slash junk food slash chips slash fat

Its in the biggest package size I ever saw

Then we get to fool around a bit,
 Here's an artistic shot of my dear pretty cousin.

Oh, we found a moustache-like leaf soooo yeaaah...

Next stop is Niagara on the Lake. (which is kind of weird because I didnt see any lake :s)
This is such a pretty little town. Cute stores and shops and lots of beautiful flowers.

This is one of the cute store I found.

Then, MORE FLOWERSSSS!! lalalalallalalalalalalaa

Weird toilet sign. Got me confused for a while there.
Hmm, which way do I go?
*one of it is a trap* :O

These random stuff I found in the stores. :D

YES, christmas decoration store!
I took silently took pictures around the stores, I took a risk of being kicked out of the store to entertain you readers! Your welcome! Hope you like the glass pickles christmas decorations!

Found one of the fun-est store ever. Its actually an Ice cream shop but they have the most punniest cow related merchandise.
Check out their website and store samples here:


Oh forgot to mention that it was so very hot that day! So the sign on this store successfully invited us in.
and so I found this interesting one size shirt. It looks like a kids size shirt but it can magically stretch into an adult size shirt!
Here's a video of me trying to show you how stretchy it was. Emphasizing on the word "trying to".
Hey, don't blame me. I'm holding a camera on my other hand AND I'm silently recording this hoping that the shopkeeper won't kick me out. Akh! Things I do to satisfy my easily-amused-self.


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