Tuesday 26 June 2012


Went to downtown Toronto today to see the towering 150 floors CN Tower and also to eat lunch on top of the circular CN Tower restaurant called the 360 Restaurant.

Cool thing about this resto is that it rotates in a circular motion. The floor actually moves slowly around the center of the tower. Thus, the people can see all around Toronto without even have to walk around and calmly eat lunch/dinner while doing so. Its awesome man, the food is awesome too btw.

Warning: I have so many pictures to show you.

Highway to CN Tower

Getting closaaahh!


Canadian Flag yay. 
Btw it was so hot that day, scorching hot, weirdly..
its incredibly windy too

Okay this is cool, weird and foreign at the same time
This thing below is a security equipment thing we had to go through when we're going inside the CN Tower. 
What it does is that it shoot out airs through those holes inside. There was a feet mark that we had to step on, stand still and wait to be shot with air, it feels ticklish like someone shot you with empty bullets all over your body. Technology nowadays, eh?

Les 360 Restaurant. I feel french because most of the waiters have french accents.
*curls moustache*

Someone put a transparant swimming fish sticker on the window overviewing the clouds. 
Thus, the flying fish.


Downtown Toronto has many tall buildings,eh? 
Business districts. 'Busy'ness district.

Les vast Ontario Lake. We can see planes take off and land on the airstrip.
Oh and the black blot that looks like an oil spill is actually the shadows of the clouds. 
It was awesome. Took waay too many picts.


Top left to right; Bottom left to right: Mixed grill (Bacon,Lamb Chops, Calf Liver (Eew), Veal Sausage), Salmon and Mash Potatoes with Asparagus; Desserts: Walnut Pie with blueberry sauce and vanilla ice cream, Lemony mousse meringue.

Oh it goes round and round and round. Takes about an hour for a full rotation.

Then onto The World's First Glass Floor that can sustain 14 Hippos on top of 150 floors towers

*sings* I'm on the edgeee, the edgee, the edge 10x
I'm on the edge...of a glass floor. (._.)

Trips continues to part deux

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