Wednesday 27 June 2012

Nadine In Wonderland

Wake up in the morning feeling like Alice.

Been there since 10am when it opens, and look at the friggin line -_-"

Okay so wonderland is a huge popular amusement park in Toronto. I have never seen so many rollercoasters rides in my life. Not a huge fan of rollercoasters. Scared of them mostly. Never actually rode anything more extreme than a kiddy rollercoaster. But for today, YOLO!
(but you can feel how crazy scared I was to ride the extreme ones)

This park is not too big nor too small, but wowie they fit soo much ridess here! Its crazy wonderful.

I saw this on the way to Wonderland. Awesome noh? :p

Look at the cute stamp :) Its wood-stock? from snoopy.
(was it? I forgot its name. I dont even know what creature is that, whatevs, its stil cute)

Look at that?! wtfudge is that? Its the newest highest biggest rollercoaster there.
Its so big and long, it takes up a part of the parking lot.

Its called The Leviathan. 

And guess what? My cousin said we're going there first so we dont have to wait for the long 2 hours queue line.
And then...there I was...silly little me who hesitantly agreed *sigh* 
and saw my life flash before my eyes looking at that monstrous thing.

In the end, I did it anyways.
Closed my eyes on the whole ride (only saw the skies when its going up tho)
and scared as sh*t too. but oh it was fun :)

80 friggin degress drop. 
I think I was numb back there. Souless sitting duck on a friggin mount-Everest rollercoaster.
(Please excuse my poor metaphor as well as my charismatic exaggeration)

Look at that! I rode that thing! *so proud*

Look! Entertainments while we're waiting in the line! :D

Saw this body dryer near the water parks (._.)


This, my friend, IS THE FUNNEL CAKE!! Topped with huge vanilla ice cream, strawberry sauce and strawberries. DELICIOUS! Gobbled this baby up in less than 5 minutes...well 4 of us.

Having fun with the fish eye. Hello there! I'm watching you!

It was a bit cloudy and rained abit. Btw, this is a really high ride.

Loving the clouds. The rollercoaster in the picture is one of Canada's oldest and ancient rollercoasters. It is made of woods, so you can hear them vibrate and shake when the carts passed. It hurts too because it feels like you're in a blender. :s The Behemoth, which is Leviathan's brother. One of the biggest rollercoasters in Wonderland before Leviathan was built. Leviathan was high but it has lotsof hoops and loppty-loops, while Behemoth has mostly ups and downs (as seen from above). WHICH I HATE THE MOST. So I didnt get to ride Behemoth. Maybe in a million years.

This is called a cookie-wich. Its basically 2 huge-*ss cookies wrapped between a huge mother-chunk of vanilla chocolate-chip ice cream. I almost died trying to finish it.

Look! Flower arrangements that shapes the Canadian flag. #canadianpride

We stayed there until 7 pm. Again....still not used to the bright-ish clouds at 7 pm night.
But this is such a great view to end the day.

Today is prolly the day in my life where I've been to the most rides in an amusement park in 10 hours.

Total rides accomplished: 9
Vomits/nausea : 0
Backed-out rides: 3
Fear level : asdfghjklasdghjkl!!!!
Pee in pants: 0
Heart attack : 1/2 (during the Leviathan 80 degress drop)
Full stomach : YES
Pictures taken: lots
Tears : 2.1 %
Screams : 16 db / 20 Hz / 30 km/h (wth?)
Laughters: uncountable
Happiness Level: 8.98 stars out of 10

Overall: Great day :)

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