Friday 22 June 2012

Taiwan Transit

After a 5 hour flight in this cute plane (picture below). Look it has a huge hello kitty sticker on the side of the plane. Yay!

Arrived in Taiwan Airport at night and had a HUGE instant noodle for dinner, it also has a pork meat toppings :o. I was so hungry that time and I was such in a bad luck that I accidentally put warm water instead of hot. So it failed. and I was hungry. It was still my birthday. So yeah...

Here's a view from my hotel in Taiwan :D

Breakfast for me literally means break (kit-kat chocolate "Have a Break, Have a KitKat")
and becoz its also fast to eat kitkat for breakfast.
Yay chocolate for breakfast.

Found an orchid garden inside the Taiwan Airpot. We had so much free time to waste,
we went aroud the airport and found lotsof cute stuff.
Like this pink public telephone. Muahahaha!

All things Hello Kitty :D

Anyways, next stop is Toronto, Canada.

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