Sunday 24 June 2012

The First Day

Today is Sunday so we had to go to church. Yay! My first Canadian church :)
We get to walk the streets of Mississauga too :)

Here's my dad and his brother (my uncle). They havent seen each other in person for 20 years now. So that feels good, eh?

First Canadian Breakfast on a cafe by the streets of Mississauga. A quiche with sundried-tomatoes and bacon and a prolly the best chocolate chunk cookie I have ever had. But then again, I love all chocolate cookies.

My sister had a chicken quesadillas yay!

See that cookie? See the chocolate chunks? See that brown cracks of deliciousnesss?
See that drool dripping from your mouth?
Yeaaaahh baybeee! Its all minee!
(Try'na make you jelly)

I ended the rest of the night having a family reunion/belated birthday party.  My lovely aunt and uncle made dinner and bbq. And some of the food are Indonesian, which made me feel less homesick of Indonesian food :)
All of my relatives that I havent seen for so very long was there, so it was a good time to catch-up and reunite :D
Including my dad's cousin that I haven seen since 1997. She used to live with us back in Indonesia, when I was small for 6 months. I was 3 and didnt know english. Time flies, eh.

Les Birthday ice cream cake. It was cookies and cream :) yay!

Thank you so much familee! It was nice that I finally get to see you and meet you again :)

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