Friday 29 June 2012

Mount Tremblant (Day 2)

Okay, I have accomplished so much on this 2nd day. Taken wayy too much pictures. And so I will compile a video and it will be up in the end of the post. (or next post, because compiling video is not an easy job for a lazy person such as me)
Warning: This is a long post. Lots of pictures tho so bear with it!

What we did today:
1. 9 am - 12 pm = HIKING
2. 12 pm - 1 pm = Lunch at the mountain top after hiking for 3 waffles hours
3. 2 pm - 3pm = Mini golf
4. 4 pm - 4.30 pm = Luge ride
5. Lots of eating, shopping, more eating.

okay the timeline is so messed up but its basically what I did.


Our route is the letter C and we started at the letter I first.
and so after 1 hour we reached the (look at the you are here sign from the map).
L.O.L huh?! 2 (and prolly a half more cuz I stop to rest alot) hours more till we reached the top.
(Videos and panoramic shots and achievement shots will be in the vids, they're just too many)


Was so happy and felt very proud of the poor-physical-challenged-weak-lazy-little me managed to hike up the mountains. *screams on top of the mountain (literally)* ;')

"We deserved an award and reward for this" - Feli

Then we went down with the gondola after lunch. Amazing view here.
Remember how I said Mount Tremblant is a ski resort. Yeah, in summer it looks weird.
But in Winter, all these will be covered in hardcore snow, and it will look like this.

Just kidding. I dont actually know how it looks like but I image it covered in white snow like this. Anywaayss....



*dramatic music*

Its a serious game okay! As you can see from my facial expression and body language, this game is very challenging.
Extra concentration and patience is required.

I finished 2nd last. BUT HEY, at least I didnt finished last!
It was scorching hot tho. Insane summer heat.

Luge Ride

I forgot how to pronounce it "louge" / "luj" / "laj". Oh! its pronounced FUN.
This is a really great reward for me after the 3 hour hike. THE LUGE RIDE WAS SO MUCH FUN!!
For those of you who does not know what Luge is, go look it up in google. :p
For those who havent tried it, GO TRY! Google how to try it also.

So we go up the hill again with an open gondola. See those tracks? Those are the luge tracks and its a downhill so we can slide down with our luge cart(?).

The ride lasted about 5 minutes (if you go slowly)
There's lotsof sharp turns, so it was fun!

SHOPPING! well, eye shopping actually.

and so I messed around the village. All cool yow.


Awkward rock climbing pose. #yeahbuddy


Then onto another gondola.

Here's a view from the gondola


Nice looking pizza eh? Half eaten becoz we so hungry yow. Those were some good pizzas. 
Thumbs up.

This is called Beaver Tails, usually found in ski resorts such as this.
Its a deep fried dough shaped like a beaver's tail.
Then you can put a bunch of toppings on top. Mine here is Cookies and Cream. Despite the appearance of the cookies and creams that I now realize does not look as appetizing, it was still so good.
Can't wait to try other flavors too :D

OHOHOHO!! Then I ate an interesting snack.

Its basically mapple syrup, but it has a cool way to make it taffy. ;)

Yeah, You're suppose to wait for 1 minute until you can start rolling it, but I just cant wait. So I started when I am not supposed to yet. Thus, I had to roll slowly just to make sure it freezes completely, and I was holding a camera on the other hand. I apologize for the long tedious mapple taffy action.



This is the most delicious junk-food ever. It is french fries from fresh potatoes covered in bacon, ham, chicken, more bacon, cheese, mushroom and gravy sauce. H-E-A-V-E-N

Served fresh hot from the oven! Yum!


All tummies filled and now onto the bed (sofa-bed) to rest
Good night :) See you in the next post tomorow :)

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