Saturday 30 June 2012

Ottawa Part 1 (Warning: Abundant of Pictures)

We arrived in Ottawa just in time for dinner. On the way to get dinner, I was amazed by Ottawa. It was somehow like cool gotham city. Found such interesting sculptures, monuments and events. I LOVE OTTAWA!

plus the weather today is just amazing. Thus the clouds are amazing yow!

This cool spider sculpture B)

Saw a nice wedding going on. The bride is so pretty. #randomsightings

Here's one of the houses style in Ottawa. I like it because it gives me this cartoon-house feel. I know its nothing but I didn't see alot of these in Indonesia.

And this is what the town shops looks like. Its getting late like 7-ish, so that explains the murky sky.

Went to get dinner in a random chinese restaurant. The food's not bad. ha, chinese food is never bad, it's mainstream.

On the way to get dinner, we passed this bakery store. and oh it was just amazing to look at. Pictures will tell all.

whoops sorry, I was wipping my drool off my keyboard.

Then onto the streets of downtown Ottawa :)
Found some amazing and talented street performers.

Haha I found this sign while walking. I wonder if this has hidden premises.

Oh, found a balloon master. He's so good, the best I've seen so far. He got a monkey on his balloon hat AND he's making Ariel the mermaid!! I'm a fan right here.

Okay this guy is a guitar master. I can't even...omg look how good he is.

He must've practiced like crazy. His guitar has holes on it, even the guitar itself can't handle his awesomeness. This is maad talent.

(Pictures will tell all, I'll just shut up for now and let you admire the view, esp the cloudss <3 p="p">

Okay, I need to explain this. This island is in the middle of the lake/river and is completely filled with hundreds or maye thousands seagulls (as you can see from the white dots). You could hear their annoying chirping sounds from this distance. and I think I'm pretty sure I can smell their waste too. :s

More city sculptures and monuments. YAY!

okay this C-shape wall is so cool. If someone whispered on the other side of the wall, the other person on the other end of the wall can hear them. Its so creepy plus amazingg!
Here's a video of me and my sister being weird and testing the whispering wall.

The day hasn't ended, continued in next post.

Oh and thanks for your time to tolerate my easily-amused self.

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