Saturday 30 June 2012

Mount Tremblant (Day 3 1/2) + video of day 2

In the morning, I went to the nearby lake and tried kayak-ing. It was all good except the time when I tried to navigate the kayak.

Then I went to another LUGE RIDEE!!

Then we got on the gondola again to the very top to see the view from what is called THE TOWER.
Since we're only gonna spend half-a-day in Mount tremblant before we're going to Ottawa, we decided to deeply inhale and immerse our souls in nature's fresh air from the mountain top for the last time. (Y)

Its a 3 story high tower made of hard wood on top of Mount Tremblant. It was beautiful!

The view was amazing!! Yes btw I'm wearing my eagles theme shirt from my old school. #GOEAGLES
And I just found out from my cousin that the eagle logo is from philadelphia eagle's football team.
So please dont be confused, its my school's mascot.

Anyways, the weather is soo nice I can see the pretty clouds.

But the wind is crazy. Its so fast it almost blew away my shirt...while I was wearing it.. literally.
I almost went topless.

Here's my sister with her hair being all crazy and flying and stuff

Haha funny thing. My dad takes pictures with his new ipad and his finger blocked the camera corner, and he didnt notice it then. So that explains the finger marks on the corner of the picture. Silly dad.

Here's the pretty clouds close-up. God's artwork.



Here's the day 2 video I promised you about. Please dont judge my looks and poses in this video. I know I look like crepe, but I've been hiking for 3 hours and inspiration clogged. So yeah.. enjoy it anyways.

The song I used is a French song by an artist named Mika.
Title : Elle Me Dit
The meanings has nothing to do with the video. I just liked the tunes and also since I cant understand it.

Hahaha I just remembered a very funny conversation we had with my cousin during the 3 hour hike. Well, it goes something like this.

As we were walking and climbing the rocks and forest, we kept looking down on our feet to find which way to land our foot. And so it happens, we were also talking pretty loudly, thinking that there's no one but us in the woods. This is what we were conversing about. unnecessary yet interesting.
A: graaah my boob itches. Whats up with that?
B: Maybe you're too tired and sweat alot.
A: My mom said that if your boob itches, it means its growing.
B: what?! really? My boob...

And then, at that moment, we looked up and found two senior couples sitting to rest from hiking right in front of us, blankly staring at us and putting a shocked/i-heard-that face.

They said, "Yeap, we heard it. How are you doing ladies? You're getting close, so hang on."

And we smiled awkwardly and walked(hiked) away. Laughing so hard after we're far enough from them, thinking if we go faster, we wouldnt meet them anymore and be embarassed and stuff.
Ha. it didnt work. They catch on to us. These senior couples looks stronger than we are and they're prolly in their 60s. Bravo to them.

Okay changing subject. wow this is a long post. Sorry guys.

My blackberry still doesnt work. Still no internet connection found. So sorry friends, I cant contact you yet :(

But oh well, I will still keep a slow pace. So please be patient. Thank you for reading guys.

Goodbye Tremblant, see you next time.
Next stop. Ottawa.

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